Monday, November 16, 2009

Still no word yet!

So it is said that no news is good news right??? Well not knowing is the worst ever! It's been 3 weeks already since we went to hubby's court hearing. And the judge had his decision made and said he would mail it to us...

so far nada, zilch, nothing, non niente!!!!

I just wish we knew already so we can either be all relaxed or seriously be all stressed out!!!


Refried Dreamer said...

Ugh. how nervewrecking! i really hope you guys get an answer soon... that way you guys can have some peace over the holidays!

Abby Lee Macias said...

God I feel you, I am feeling the same way and I feel like I am going to have a melt down!! We will not know until like 3 more months and I am going to die. I want to know yes or no so we can plan. I am starting to not care either way I just wanna an answer! So good luck I feel your pain sister! Good luck and I hope to god that it will be good news! Keep the hope and keep trying!

bordersaside said...

Waiting is seriously the hardest part. You don't know whether to get hopes up for future or to start planing for alternative situations.