Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mass for El Señor Del Monte

So as promised to El Señor del Monte, we attended the mass they had in his honor today. We left the house about 10am because I wanted to get there early so I could pay my manda. Which was to walk in the rodillas. So we get there around 11:10am. There is a mass going on, so we wait around for that one to be over with. I see this lady get there with a beautiful basket with non-perishable food, and I tell her ke I didn't know we had to put the food in a basket, and that the bags of pasta I had bought for the kids to give de ofrendas was on a regular grocery bag. She tells me not to worry that it's the thought that counts, so I just have the kids walk with the bag down the aisle when its time to give the ofrendas. I know now for next time. Because trust me there will be next time, every year from now on si Dios me da licensia we will be heading out there for the yearly mass they do for him. So as we are entering I walk in on my knees, man was that painful, pero aun asi I get all the way to the altar, with my kids and hubby next to me. The whole mass was so beautiful, they had mariachi and dansantez. The father explained very well everything to be known about the Juramento and all. He was reading off the novena book, like the one I have that Griselda gave me. When it was time for the ofrendas to be taken to the front Julian was so embarrassed as it is he is very shy. Nothing like me :)~

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